2009年6月7日 星期日

Session 2: Answer

Answer the following questions after viewing the video:
1.Which departments within the company are integrated within the Order-to-Delivery process ? 2.Which steps are included in the Order-to-Delivery process ?
3.What factors would you consider when deciding whether ERP is suitable or not for a small business ?

Ans: Sales and Marketing department, Supply Chain and Inventory departments are integrated within the Order-to-Delivery process.
After sales department received the order,they use SAP business one to check inventory data and make an order to warehouse, then warehouse department check items and costumers address,warehouse email costumer to confirm their address,they pack goods and ship to the costumers.
ERP are used to share common data and practices across the enterprise with different department and function, however for small business they won't have many departments and hugh system, so its no need to use ERP, since the cost of ERP system is much higher than benefit for using ERP in a small business

1 則留言:

  1. Aside from number of departments and volume of data, the business can also examine their existing business processes. If these processes are inefficient, they may benefit from reengineering these processes according to the model processes found in an ERP package.
